Saturday, August 14, 2010

More work upstairs

With the chimney supported, the wall can go to make way for the upstairs door. This will connect the two properties. The start of the process.

Looking behind the wall, I found that the house was originally rendered. The render must have been removed when the extension was built.

Funny that the conservation officer said that we could not render the extension as it was not in keeping with the conservation area. Everything is transient.

Here are some of the stones coming out with the render still attached.

I have realised that I don't have any pictures yet of the wall down. I will take some.

My next picture is taking out the foundations for the fireplace. The stone low down were blackened, but it is not clear whether this was from burning or an effect of the minerals under the floor. There were gaps between the stones under the floor, about 2ft down. Either animals (I have found tunnels through the walls and under floors) or water flowing.

Ignoring the dust, you can see the black stones coming out.

Next post is the floor in the back room...

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