Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Not a lot to update over the last couple of months

There have been problems with the planning application and we have been in the process of making alterations. We had an extremely useful meeting with the planning officer and conservation officer today and I am very hopeful that we can get moving soon. I have been able to move all of our storage from the commercial facility to one of the outbuildings - I spent quite a bit of time making this waterproof although it is not rodent proof.

The major worry at the moment is that we need to use a certain type of window. Unless I can find a supplier at reasonable cost, this may put paid to the project. I am sure there will be a solution, but I can't see what it is yet, short of a lottery win!

The alterations remove some of the interesting features that were proposed, but don't impact too much on the resulting floor space.

I have a supplier for the limecrete floor and will be getting costings from them. I am also going to try and install a biomass boiler rather than oil. Again, dependent on costs.

Hopefully updates will be more frequent once we get a better understanding of the planning needs.